Hello! It’s been much too long since I checked in here, so I thought I’d better let you know what I’ve been up to. Many things have been happening in the world of The Huntress. Most excitingly, STORM was published at the end of May. Some lovely reviews have been coming in, like this one from Library Girl and Book Boy. Heart-thanks!
The series has also just been sold to a publishing house in France, called Fleurus. I’m more than heart-proud that Mouse has found another home across the sea. The first edition en français is due to publish in 2019.
I’ve had a chance to write for a few blogs recently: the lovely people at Waterstones published this blog post I wrote talking about siblings in fiction – why I write about them and some of my favourite sibling relationships in books.
The Reading Zone kindly published this interview with me where I talk about writing a trilogy, creating believable fantasy settings and crafting villains (a favourite pastime of mine!)
Egmont, my UK publisher, have posted a ‘day in the life of an author’ featuring a typical writing day for me – you can see it here.
I also wanted to let you know about a brilliant Egmont competition that’s happening right now, to win a very exciting bundle – the complete signed Huntress Trilogy AND an osprey adoption! There are only twelve days left, so click here to enter. Bonne chance! (or ‘good luck’ en anglaise!)
Stay heart-strong.