Hello, I’m Sarah!
I’m the author of five novels for young people: The Huntress Trilogy and the Once We Were Witches duology. My sixth book is due for release on February 1st 2024, and it’s called Dreamstalkers: The Night Train. I grew up in the UK, on the Sussex coast, and I started writing when I was around five years old. For a long time I had no idea that real-life authors wrote books as a job, so I’ve found myself working in many different jobs: I’ve been a jewellery shop manager, a waitress, a care assistant, a bookseller, a nurse, a barista, an insurance claims technician and a midwife. But in my spare time, I never stopped writing.
In 2013 I decided the time had come to take my writing more seriously. The decision to attend Bath Spa University for the MA in Creative Writing for Young People was the best of my life. Through this course, I made some amazing writer friends, worked with some incredible tutors and met the agent who now represents my work, Jodie Hodges at United Agents.
When I’m not writing, I can be found walking by the sea, visiting exhibitions, reading or travelling, often in the name of research. I have seen humpback whales from an oak boat in the northern seas of Iceland, journeyed by train beyond the arctic circle to the far north of Swedish Lapland, and ridden a slightly obstinate horse through a forest, under the northern lights, in temperatures of -32 degrees. Amidst all this I have learned that even horrifying bouts of sea-sickness make excellent research material.

Hello Sarah,
I am really enjoying the adventures of Mouse, Sparrow & all the crew of the Huntress. I love the creation of new worlds but with a hint of the familiar. I must also say that the production of the book with it’s illustrations & stunning cover add to the read experience.
I found out about your book through the mother of one of your fellow students on the MBA, Becca Harris. I have been following Becca’s progress in getting her book published, having know Becca since she was one of my Guides in Northumberland. Ann Harris was equally enthusiastic over promoting your book, and rightly so.
As well as my interest as a reader, I have a professional interest as a librarian with a specialism of Children & young People. I will be purchases some copies for stock. If you are happy for me to do so, recommending you as an author for the Northern Children’s Book Festival (NCBF) that takes place each November and involves sessions with children in schools & libraries as well as a Gala Day of authors & illustrators, which this year takes place in South Tyneside at the Word , a fantastic new library overlooking the Tyne.
Congratulations on getting your first book published- well worth the effort.
Kind regards
Hello Diane,
Thank you for your message, it’s much appreciated!
It’s wonderful to hear from a friend of Ann and Becca.
I’m delighted that you will be ordering copies for library stock – I’m a huge advocate of libraries and the work of librarians. I’m more than happy to be recommended for the NCBF, thank you so much! I’ll put a note in my diary just in case I’m invited.
The Word sounds like a very exciting new venture. I’d love to visit sometime either way!
Thanks again and best wishes,